Saturday 27 September 2014

6th lecture: 26/9/14

Topic: External Structure of Prokaryote (part 1)

1) Prokaryote are organisms which lack of cell nucleus or any membrane-bound organelles.
2) Diplococci shape - round shape in pair ; Diplobacilli shape - rod shape in pair
3) Staphlyococci - grape-like clusters
4) Streptococci - round shape in chain ; Streptobacilli: rod shape in chain
5) Spiral shape that is rigid is called spirillum. Spiral shape that is flexible is called spirochete.
6) The bacteria which have smaller size are able to move easily, easier to get protection from predator and nutrients upake for them are lesser.
7) There are 4 main external structure of the cell wall: Glycocalyx, Flagella, Axial filament, Fimbriae and pili.
8) Glycocalyx is made up of extracellular polysaccharide. It is made inside the cells and excreted to the cell surface.
9) The functions of glycocalyx are to get protection from phygocytosis, attach to different surfaces and protect cell against dehydration.
10) Capsules are formed if glycocalyx is organised and slime layers are formed if glycocalyx is loosely attached.
11) Flagella made up of flagellin and consists of basal body. Basal body has a hook, rod and ring.
12) Monotrichous - one flagellum;  Lophotrichous - cluster of flagella at each end of cell; amphitrichous- one flagellum at each end of cell; peritrichous- spread over entire surface of cell.
13) Types of mortality: Tumbles and Swam
14) Spirochetes group of bacteria move by axial filament because they have no flagellum.
15) Fimbriae and pili consist of pilin and used for attachment rather than movement.
16) Fimbriae distributed entire of the cell while pili only one or two found per cell.
17) Cell wall of prokaryote is not selectively permeable.
18) Cell wall composed of peptidoglycan and peptidoglycan consists of disaccharide. The disaccharide is made up of NAG and NAM. NAG and NAM are linked by glycosidic bonds (beta 1-4).
19) There are 2 major types of cell wall : Gram-positive and Gram-negative
20) Gram-positive cell wall consists of many layers of peptidoglycan while Gram-negative cell wall consists of few layers of cell wall.

Activities: Draw Mind Map for external and internal structure of prokaryote

My own explorace:
1) Size of E.coli - 0.5um in width and 2um in length; Size of Thiomargarita -750um.
2) Myxobacteria live in soil, feed on organic substance and move by gliding.
3) Mycoplasma unaffected by antibiotics because they have no cell wall.
4) Corynebacteria is the pathogen causes diphtheria.
5) The formation of biofilem on the surface indicates that there are no pollutants in that area.
6) Virulence factors: The ability to cause disease.

Reflection on this topic:
I have learnt the structure of prokaryote before but not that specific. I will try my best to memorise all these structures. ^^

Friday 26 September 2014

5th lecture : 23/9/14

Topic: Preparation of specimens for light microscopy

1) There are two ways to prepare specimens : Wet mount and Smears
2) Smear-steps involve preparing smear, fixation and staining.
3) No cover slip needed for preparing smear.
4) There are two ways of fixation : Heat fixing and chemical fixing.
5) Heat fixing can preserves overall morphology but not internal structure while chemical staining can protect cellular substances from destroy.
6) There are three types of staning method: simple staning, differential staning, special staning.
7) Simple staning required just a single staning agent.
8) Gram staning divided bacteria into two groups based on their cell wall structure.
9) Gram positive bacteria: Purple in colour, have thick peptidoglycan cell wall
10) Gram negative bacteria: Pink in colour, have thin peptidoglycan cell wall
11) Acid-fast bacteria: Bacteria that reist decolourization by both acid and alcohol.
12) Normally acid-fast bacteria will first stained with carbolfuchsin, then followed by acid-alcohol and counterstain.
13) To visualise capsules, we need to prepare colourless bacteria against a coloured background because capsules against a stained background.
14) To visualise endospore, Malachite green and safranin are used to stain the bacteria. Bacterial endospore appear green within red or pink cell.
15) To visualise flagella, mordant and carbouchsin applied to increase the thickness of flagella.

Activities: -

My own Exploration:
1) Leprosy is a chronic infection which caused by Mycobacterium leprae. This infection may causes infected people lack ability to feel pain and lost of sight.
2) Gram positive bacteria usually rod shaped bacilli. Gram negative bacteria usually round shaped coccus.
3) Helicobacter pylori are spiral-shaped bacteria that can cause peptic ulcer disease by damaging the mucous coaing that protects the lining of the stomach anf duodenum.

Reflection on this topic: I learnt a lot of staning method from this topic. We need to learn the characteristics of different microbes then only we know which staning method is suitable for them.

4th lecture : 22/9/14

Topic: History of microbiology and Microscopy

1) The first person found the existance of microbes is Louis Pasteur.
2) Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek observed and described single-celled microorganisms as
3) Robert Hooke improved Leeuwenhoek microscope and his famous observation on slides of cork.
4) Scientists proposed spontaneous generation - life arise spontaneously from non-living matter.
5) Spontaneous generation theory was supported by John Needham but not supported by Dazzaro Spallanzani.
6) Rudolf and Louis Pasteur changed the theory of spontaneous generation by biogenesis - living cell can arise only from preexisting living cells.
7) Pasteur's experiment: Filled broth into straight neck flask and s-shaped flask and both boiled and left to the air. Broth in straight neck cloudy while broth in s-shaped not cloudy. It proved that S-shaped trapped gened in curved neck and prevent them reaching the broth. Spontaneous generation was disproved by this experiment because broth s-shaped flask is not infected.
8) Koch's Pastules: Pathogen isolated from diseased host and let the pathogen grow in pure culture. Pathogen from pure culture injected into healthy animals.
9) Exception of Koch's Pastules: not all the microbe could be cultured in media, diseases caused by different pathogen may have similar symptoms. Same pathogen can caused several disease condition.
10) The goal of microscopy is to produce a magnified image and separate the details in image.
11) Bright-field microscope: staining is required, dark image against bright background
12) Dark-field microscope: staning is not required, produce bright image against dark background.
 13) Phase-constract microscope: staning is not required, dark image against bright background,
 14) Ultra-violet microscope: great resolution, shorter wavelength, the image displayed on screen.
 15) Fluorescence: bright image against dark background, specimen stained with fluorochromes
 16) Confocal image: 3D image
 17) SEM: 3D image, structure of cell smaller than 0.2um, resolving power 20nm, magnification 1000x to 10000x, study surface features of cell
 18) TEM: 2D image, structure smaller than 0.2um, resolving power 2.5nm, magnification 10000x to 100000x, study internal structure in thin section of cell

Activities: Quiz

My Own Exploration:
1) About Robert Hooke's study, he viewed on slides of cork anf he discovered empty spaces contained by walls. Therefore, he discovered building block of life and marked the beginning of cell theory.
2) Pasteurisation won't kill all the microbes, but only kill pathogen.
3) UHT is ultra high temperature.
4) Vaccine contains weak pathogen and it is used to activate immune response in our body.
5) BCG vaccine is Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vacine. It used tp treat tuberculosis and this vaccine is prepared from mycobacterium bovis.
6) We need to stained microbes because most of the bacteria are colourless and this makes us easier to examine the different part of thier body.
7) The smallest bacteria in the world is Mycoplasma.
8) Hela cell is a cell type in an immortal cell line used in scientific research.
9) Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection causd by the spirochete bactellium Treponema Pallidum.

Relection on this topic:
I think history of microbiology is quite interesting. I salute with those scientists because they able to come out experiment to prove different kind of theory. I think microscopy is quite boring to me. I can't remember all the specific functions and characteristics of different kind of microscrope because I not yet use those microscopes.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Third Lecture: 19/9/14

This was my third lecture.

Pening Kepala @.@
A lot of things need to rush due to the big project~~

These were all the things that I had learnt in my third lecture:
1) Magnetosomes are intracellular organelles in magnetotactic bacteria that allow them to sense magnetic field.
2) Magnetosomes contain 15 to 20 magnetic crystal that help them to sense magnetic field like a compass.
3) Magnetotaxis is the ability to sense a magnetic field. These ability help them in reaching regions of optimal oxygen concentration because they survive in environment with limited oxygen.
4) Blood is the part of our body which normally couldn't find microorganisms.
5) Colum and intestines are parts of our body which contain most of mmicroorganisms.
6) Saccharomyces cerevisae is the common yeast used to make bread.
7) Bacteria with no flagella move by gliding.
8) Halophiles are organisms that live in environment with high salt concentration.
9) Thermoacidophiles are organisms that live in environment with high temperature and acidity.
10) Methanogen are microorganisms that produce methane as matabolic product.
11) Cyanobacteria is a phylum of bacteria that obtain energy through photosynthesis.
12) Plankton is a kind of algae which can be the food sources of bacteria.
13) Giardia lambia is a kind of protozoa which may causes diarrhea if exists in human stomach.
14) Saprophytes are organisms which obtain nutrients from dead organic matter.
15) E.coli are divided into 5 groups. E.coli 0157:H7 can make people sick.
16) Volvox, is a chlorophyte, green alga which exists as grand spherical colony.

Second Lecture : 12/9/14

This was my second micro lecture.

These were all I had learnt in my second lecture.
1) The cell wall of fungus is made up of chitin, same with the cell wall of insects.
2) The cell wall of diatom is made up of silica.
3) Clostridium Botulinum: spore-forming bacteria that cause food poisoning in canned food.
4) Zooglea : bacteria that used in sewage treatment
5) Alfatoxin: Toxin that produced by fungus
6) Penicillin are produced by Penicillium Chrysogenum
7) Streptomycin are produced by Straptomicus Grisens
8) Bioremediation is the techniques that involves the use of microorganusms to remove pollutants.
9) Mycoremediation is a form of bioremediation which fungi are used to decontaminate the area.
10) Example of bioremediation: bacteriaable to break down oil component into harmless substances when oil spill occurred.
11)  pH of skin is 5.5
12) Normal microbiota is non-pathagenic bacteria that reside in human body. Normal microbiota help to protect human by competeing with invading pathogen for space or food.
13)Insect pathogen: Bacillus Thuringiensis. this bacteria produce endotoxin that may attaches to specific receptor sites and paralyses the cell of insects.


Wednesday 10 September 2014

First Lecture: 9/9/14

    Dr.Wan , my lovely this first lesson she told us a lot about microorganisms stuff and made me more interested to microorganisms. She is a humorous lecturer and make our first lesson full of laughter.

      In the padlet, she asked us what we wanted to know about microorganisms...I said I want to know how could microorganisms able to detroy human being and how could microorganisms able to save human being.

These were all I had learnt in my first lecture.
1) The largest bacterium in the world is Thiomargarita namibienus. It was found in ocean sediments in Namibia, Southern Africa.
2) The toughest bacterium in the world is Dienococcus radiodurans. It is radioresistant, can survive in extreme cold, vaccum and extreme acidic environment, It is polyextremephile.
3) Bacteriophage is virus that infects and replicates within a bacterium.
4) Anthrax is caused by bacterium Bacillus anthracis. This bacterium had been used as biological weapon due to the formation of dormant endospores.

Hope can know more about microorganisms from Dr.Wan in my next lesson~~~ ^^